

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Weekend madness

Friday night right before 5pm, we got a phone call that we needed to redo Ben's blood work. They made a exception and we did it in Grand Rapids Saturday. Then after we got that call Dan ran to Meijer and my air conditioning went out on my car. We thought we were going to need to drive the beastly truck in the ramp in Ann Arbor. Dan spend Saturday trying to fix the car. We thought the compressor went out which would have been pricey. Luckily Dan is the man. He figured out a part was missing and could not find it. Finally he found it up in my engine and a bolt was broken. $2 later the air conditioning was fixed. We hope the blood work is good and we are ready to go Monday. We are enjoying some time at my sisters tonight.


  1. Praying for you all today - for a successful surgery, a smooth recovery, good pain management for Ben and peace for you and Dan.

    Jen Dougherty

  2. Hang in there guys, we are thinking about you today!
