

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Good News!

Ben had his 15 months apt today with the pedatrician. Ben continues to improve slowly. Everyone is hopeful that he will adapt to his left side trouble. Ben was not happy to have shots, but his growth is good. He is 50% for length, 25% head, 3% weight. He has always stayed consistent. He is now 20lbs 2.5oz. Very good for BEN! The daycare Ben will be going to had a little boy, Matt, for 4 years that had heart surgery and brain damage. They did not know how bad the damage was just like Ben. Matt eventually sat, walked, and talked and looked like any other boy. This gives me hope. Ben just needs time to adapt. I think that this center will be a good place for him since his main teacher was Matt's as well. We are praying that it goes well next week.

(pics still to come-sorry)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas to All!

I m sorry it has been awhile. But no news means there is nothing to report on Ben about his heart. Although he is improving on eating and crawling. He is doing therapy to work on his stiffness, which is his main obstacle. He is starting to really enjoy finger foods. The cardiologist says things are looking good. He are in a holding plan at this point. Although Ben was not happy to see the cardiologist at all. He is starting to realize more and understand what is going on. He screamed and gave him dirty looks. lol

Today Ben and Ally spend the morning at the daycare center while I observed and went over all the info about Ben. Seems like Ben like his main teacher, Ann, and I even left him with her while I spend some time in the Lamb room with Ally. I am feeling more comfortable with leaving Ben there, they are a wonderful group and have had experience very similar to Ben. Ally did not want to leave and we stayed longer to let her celebrate one of her classmate's birthday with cupcakes.

I just want to say Merry Christmas to all, because I was kinda a grinch and did not send out Christmas cards. My time is so precious at this point that I though everyone would understand and except this blog.
Enjoy it and give thanks for all of our blessings. Merry Christmas!

(Pictures to come after Christmas)