

Monday, December 6, 2010

Sweet Ben!

Benjamin had some issues last night and we went to see the cardiologist today. He was on the max oxygen all night and could not keep 70 some of the time. He told us to head to Ann Arbor because the hospitals in Grand Rapids could not do much for him and we needed to be close to Mott's. We miss Ally already! She would not let go of my leg, when I was trying to say goodbye. It but tears in our eyes. I also missed my company holiday party, and my last work day for a while. I was kinda sad, but we need to do what is best for Ben at this critical time. Keep him in his prayers! As of now he is still scheduled for Thursday at 8:30am for surgery. It could change, we will see how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers!!
    (((heart hugs))))
