

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hanging in There!

Benjamin landed into the emergency Friday night. His oxygen was way too low and the cardiologist told us to head in. We think it may be because his oxygen regulator was not working property. Then Ben had a crash. Airway came out and got us a new one yesterday. He should be able to come home tonight and we can hopefully keep things stable until his next surgery. Our four day weekend seemed like it was more stressful than anything. I feel sick to my stomach that I did not catch the bad regulator sooner. But everything is going well otherwise and we are gearing up for Ann Arbor. We thought we might head there this weekend and were packed. But they think he can make it till the 9th. Keep thinking and praying for Ben!


  1. I just found your blog and wanted to let you know I will be praying for baby Ben and your family. Especially during his Glenn and the next week leading up to it. Heat hugs!

  2. Hello! I just came across your blog from Hailey's mom! My daughter is 17 months old with HLHS and is also treated at U of M. We will keep your sweet boy in our prayers as his Hemi-Fontan approaches. Nice to meet you!!
    (((heart hugs)))
